B2B Solution

Empower your community of independent workers

Your community is your biggest asset!

We collaborate with digital platforms and businesses to build tailored protections and benefits programs for their communities of independent workers for their everyday problems and needs.

Indeez specializes on professional liability, accident and income protections to give piece of mind to all independent workers.

To learn more:


Indeez launches #CoviSure to protect your community

Key EU platforms allowing access to buy #CoviSure to their community

#CoviSure provides income replacement to workers in case they are not able to work due to Covid-19 infection.

Subscription to #CoviSure is simple: 2 clicks on the mobile. For the weekly price less than EUR/GBP 1, the worker can avail of upto EUR/GBP 6,000 during 3 month protection.

Top EU Platforms trust us:

Why do digital communities want
to work with us?

The Indeez founding team has a deep understanding of independent workers’ needs, having built the world’s largest gig-protection programs for leading platforms in ride-sharing and ride-hailing. We offer:

Cutting Edge Products

Cutting edge and bespoke products – addressing complex risks such as Covid

Product APIs

Digital-first experiences – with API based products connecting you seamlessly to our partners

User Experience

Intuitive customer UX that connect on-demand services including digital claims

Global Model

We operate across the EU and in the UK, taking care of regulatory and legal complexities so that your company can focus on growth

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Why Today?

Workers are increasingly vulnerable

More than half of the global workforce is expected to become independent, with no one looking out for their needs

The current situation constrains the economy

Today’s market fails to protect independent workers or support them when things go wrong – this is holding back opportunities and growth

Covid-19 has showcased the risks

The pandemic has exposed the gap in both public policy and private initiatives for protecting the income of independent workers when they face unexpected barriers to work

Demonstrate your duty of care

Public sentiment and policy makers are clearly focussing on the wellbeing of independent workers. In particular, income protection and lifestyle benefits, that is today not available to them